The LamarDodd School of Art at the University of Georgia invites applications for atenure-track Assistant Professor position in Art, Artificial Intelligence, andEmergent Digital Practices. We seek an innovative and forward-thinking artist-scholarwhose work explores the dynamic intersections of contemporary art and emergenttechnologies. The successful candidate will be instrumental in expanding therole of AI in visual arts, addressing its applications, ethical implications,and transformative potential in artmaking, design, and cultural production.This individual will join a vibrant interdisciplinary community and contributeto shaping the future of digital art and technology at the university.
• Teach fourcourses per year at all levels of undergraduate and graduate instruction, ontopics related to emergent digital practices in the arts, including but notlimited to artificial intelligence, generative art, machine learning,algorithmic aesthetics, creative coding and human-computer interaction.
• Develop andsustain an active creative research practice, leading to exhibitions and otherforms of recognition.
• Contributeto curriculum development that incorporates emerging digital practices and AItechnologies in the arts, addressing conceptual, ethical and technical issues,as well as issues of accessibility, diverse educational and culturalbackgrounds, and learning styles as they relate to teaching digital arts andemerging technologies.
• Collaboratewith other faculty in cross-disciplinary initiatives, particularly within theuniversity’s burgeoning AI research community.
• Provide mentorshipto the department’s diverse student body at both the undergraduate and graduatelevels.
• Engage inservice activities that contribute to the governance of the School andUniversity, including committee work and program development.
• Actively contributeto the community of the department in building a collaborative work andlearning environment that is inclusive.
• A strongportfolio demonstrating significant work at the intersection of art and emergentdigital practices, with a focus on innovative uses of technology.
• A clearlyarticulated research agenda with plans for future work.
• Researchin creative practices at the intersections of art, AI, and technology such ascreative coding, machine learning, extended reality, or other AI-relatedtechniques.
MFA orequivalent terminal degree in Art, Digital Media, Computational Design, or arelated field.
PreferredKnowledge, Skills, Abilities and/or Competencies:
• Two yearsof college/university-level teaching experience, with demonstrated ability toengage and inspire students across a range of courses.
• Interest intransdisciplinary collaboration and the ability to foster connections betweenart and other fields such as computer science, philosophy, or data science.
• Evidence ofinnovative curriculum development and experiential learning methods.
• Evidence ofwork in animation, virtual reality, and/or lens-based practices such as videoand photography.
• Evidence ofteaching and research practices that engage with locally identified needs andissues relevant to the diversity of communities in Georgia and across thenation and world.
SpecialInstructions to Applicants:
Applicationswill be reviewed starting January 1, 2025. The position will remain open untilit is filled. For questions, please contact LeeAnne Krause at leeanne.krause@uga.edu. Application materials will beaccepted through the University of Georgia, UGAJobs website https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/404342.
Pleaseprovide the following:
• Coverletter addressing qualifications and experience.
• CurriculumVitae (CV).
• Portfolioof recent work (PDF with 20 images or links to equivalent digital content).
• Statementof teaching philosophy, including strategies for integrating AI into thecurriculum.
• Statementof research interests and future creative directions.
• Contactinformation for three professional references (title, email address, phonenumber).