Rochester Institute of Technology - CIS - Rochester, New York - United States
About Rochester Institute of Technology - CIS
THE CENTER: The Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, located in the College of Science, is a highly interdisciplinary university research and education center dedicated to pushing the frontiers of imaging in all its forms and uses. Major research thrusts within the Center include Biomedical Imaging, Remote Sensing, Astronomy, Color Science, Sensor Development, and Vision. CIS offers B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Imaging Science with an emphasis on the physics of image formation, the mathematics and systems engineering of image processing, analysis and information extraction, and the development of sensor systems and imaging instrumentation. CIS also offers M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Color Science, which is a broadly multidisciplinary program with courses and research that span topics such as visual perception, psychophysics, color modeling of material and imaging systems. Jointly with the Departments of Physics and School of Mathematics, CIS offers the PhD in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology. The faculty collaborates with the Center for Microsystems Engineering in the College of Engineering.