Medical Simulation Corporation Company Logo

Medical Simulation Corporation

Denver, Colorado - United States
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Senior Software Engineer - Graphics


MSC Denver

Sr. Software Engineer - Graphics, C++

Create Games for Doctors!

Pilots learn to fly planes using flight simulators. Doctors learn to do medical procedures using the simulators that we create.

As a Senior Software Engineer, you will be challenged to solve unique problems using non-traditional techniques in real-time. You will be working on a custom, high-performance fixed computer platform with laser beams attached to its head. (Sorry, no sharks.)

Medical knowledge is not required but you end up learning some cool stuff anyway.

We offer work/life balance, i.e. you will go home each night!

Details about our environment: Maya, CUDA, mesh, shaders, animation systems, agile, HLSL, ray tracing voxel data, rockin’ holiday potlucks, GPGPU, DirectX.

Apply if you can think quickly on your feet and you have the ability to apply new techniques in creative ways.

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