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University of Idaho

Moscow, Idaho - United States
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Tenure Track Asst, Assoc or Full Professor


Virtual Technology and Design (VTD) program at the University of Idaho seeks a dynamic innovator who will blend integrated design thinking with emerging technologies to conceive of creative solutions. Applicants should be comfortable exploring a trans-disciplinary approach to an electronically mediated design processes. The successful candidate will maintain a growing, innovative research/creative scholarship agenda. Additionally, candidates will be able to contribute to the program and college vision in at least two of the following three areas:
• Interactive virtual environments: Designing and developing interactive virtual worlds for use in entrainment and non-entertainment activities (Information design, visualization, concept design, experience design, architecture, industrial design). 
• Visualization: Addressing the complexities of envisioning and creating artifacts and virtual environments (information design, visualization, bio-statistics, computer science)
• Design Fabrication: Translation of virtual forms into physical artifacts and vice-versa. (industrial design, sculpture, computer science, concept design, architecture, engineering)

Candidates for the position should be qualified to teach undergraduate VTD design and technical studios and integrate their research into design courses. Candidates are expected support the college vision to teach the integrated concepts of art, design, and technology with a focus on cultural and environmental stewardship.

Teaching and Advising:

Virtual Technology and Design is a studio-based program. The candidate will have the opportunity to teach undergraduate studios and graduate students, contribute to the integrated classes within the college, and pursue an area related to their area of specialty that compliments the program. 
• Teach 2-3 load
• Advise undergraduate and graduate students
• Help facilitate design studio experiences for VTD


Maintain a productive and innovative research agenda.
• Participate in program and University-wide research cohorts 
• Seek grant-getting opportunities
• Engage in scholarly pursuits such as conferences, papers, entrepreneurial enterprises, and creative productions
• Support teaching with research and creative activity


• Foster connections outside of college and university
• Facilitate projects that may include online learning and certificate programs
• Create co-curricular experiences (workshops, etc.) for a program and college-wide audience


Promote and expand entrepreneurial relationships with research/creative communities connected to Virtual Technology and Design.
• Work on college and university level committees and Strategic Interest Groups to promote novel pedagogical approaches
• Help recruit high-performing students for both the VTD and MS IAD (Masters of Science – Integrated Architecture and Design) programs

Minimum Qualifications:
•Terminal Master’s or professional degree in a design discipline or related field
•Demonstrated experience in teaching design and technologies utilized in digital simulation, visualization and/or digital gaming development
•Demonstrated technology skills and ability to: 
- Engage students in a design/development experience utilizing multiuser virtual worlds including Unity 3D and Jibe with an emphasis on embedded intelligence and program language application. 
- Create and utilize creative technological to address complex problems
•Demonstrated innovative research/creative trajectory 
•Experience in the use and application of programming languages in virtual world development. Languages may include C#, Python, Java

Preferred Qualifications:
 Doctorate or professional degree and/or strong professional practice
• Demonstrated experience in applied research or research and development (R&D) with technologies utilized in digital simulation and visualization
• 3 – 5 years of professional practice in an industry designing and implementing digital simulation or digital gaming experiences

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