Graz University of Technology, Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization Company Logo

Graz University of Technology, Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization

Graz - Austria
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Professorship in 3D Shape Analysis & Processing


The Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) / Faculty for Informatics and Biomedical Engineering intents to appoint a

Professorship in 3D Shape Analysis & Processing

The position will be available at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at the earliest possible date. The contract will initially be for a 5-years period with an optional extension to a tenured position.

The applicant is expected to work with the research cluster 'visual computing' at Graz University of Technology with a focus on 3D Shape Analysis / Representation / Processing in in computer graphics and digital libraries (for general document types).  An involvement in projects in the field of Cultural Heritage and the willingness to collaborate closely with Fraunhofer Austria and the Fraunhofer IGD is desired.


  • A doctoral degree and a habilitation (venia docendi) or equivalent qualification in one or more of the above research areas.
  • Scientific excellence documented by publications in first-rate conferences and journals.
  • Experience in acquiring, managing and supervision of externally funded projects.
  • Active participation in the international research community.
  • Management qualifications.

Graz University of Technology is committed to increasing the percentage of female scientists in teaching and research. Given applicants with equal qualifications, we give priority to women.

Applications should be sent electronically by

May 23, 2014

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