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Novato, California - United States
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Core-Tech, Senior Online Engineer - 2K Games


Core-Tech, Senior Online Engineer - 2K Games SUMMARY: Build and maintain client/server systems that provide highly scalable and secure online services for console, mobile and web gaming platforms across multiple titles and brands. Develop LAMP-based core system services that address the ongoing needs of the organization while maintaining high security, reusability and easy expansion capabilities. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: • Develop and manage client/server application systems that provide highly scalable online services • Integrate foundation application components from best-of-breed industry technology. • Build and integrated a REST-based service architecture that supports all prescribed client platforms. • Develop client-side APIs, libraries and methodology to facilitate quick client platform integration. • Develop and maintain a tiered publishing model for the project that provides for minimal downtime, easy component control, efficient testing, version control and high levels of integrated security. • Provide systems administrator of all application environments as necessary. • Work with designers to build web-based interfaces and consoles. • Deliver ongoing documentation of applications and systems. • Maintain on-call support for services and provide rapid solutions to difficult challenges. • Provide ongoing improvement recommendations for performance, security and reliability. • Interface with other groups, providing integration documentation, strategy and direction.

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